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About Albatros Yacht Chandlers
Albatros Ltd est. 1975, as a Yacht Chandlery company. Carrying only the finest brands of Yachting Market. Albatros Ltd Yacht Chandlers offers the best on the spot solutions in respect to quality, pricing, product sourcing and in-depth knowledge of the market. Experienced personnel ready to meet even the toughest demands!
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Store Locations
Albatros Zea Marina
- 18, Akti Moutsopoulou Str. 185 35 Piraeus, Greece
- +30 210 45 16 285, +30 210 45 16 285, +30 210 45 11 326, +30 210 45 11 326, +30 210 45 36 132, +30 210 45 36 132, +30 210 45 36 133, +30 210 45 36 133
- +30 210 41 83 270, +30 210 41 83 270
- Monday—Friday: 8:00AM–5:00PM, Monday—Friday: 8:00AM–5:00PM, Saturday: 9:00AM–2:00PM, Saturday: 9:00AM–2:00PM, The use of Mask is required in store